2007年7月17日 星期二

Basic OCL Elements

Expressions, Types, and Values

Types in OCL are divided into the following groups:

  • Predefined types, as defined in the standard library, including the following:

  • Basic types: Integer, Real, String, and Boolean

  • Collection types: Collection, Set, Bag, OrderedSet, and Sequence

  • User-defined types

  • Defined by the user in the UML diagrams
  • Every instantiable model element in a UML diagram is automatically a type in OCL

  • E.g., each class, interface, component, or datatype

  • Basic Types and Operators

    The Boolean Type

    Example: The result of the following sample expression is true if for every service it can be said that when it offers bonus points it never burns bonus points

    context Service
    inv: self.pointsEarned > 0 implies not (self.pointsBurned = 0)

    Another interesting operation on the Boolean type is the if-then-else
    if ‹boolean OCL expression›
    then ‹OCL expression›
    else ‹OCL expression›

    The Integer and Real Types

    All these examples are expressions of the Boolean type, which result in true:

    2654 * 4.3 + 101 = 11513.2
    (3.2).floor() / 3 = 1
    1.175 * (-8.9).abs() - 10 = 0.4575
    12 > 22.7 = false
    12.max(33) = 33
    33.max(12) = 33
    13.mod(2) = 1
    13.div(2) = 6
    33.7.min(12) = 12.0
    -24.abs() = 24
    (-2.4).floor() = -3

    The String Types
    All these examples are expressions of the Boolean type, and result in true:

    'Anneke'.size() = 6
    ('Anneke' = 'Jos') = false
    'Anneke '.concat('and Jos') = 'Anneke and Jos'
    'Anneke'.toUpper() = 'ANNEKE'
    'Anneke'.toLower() = 'anneke'
    'Anneke and Jos'.substring(12, 14) = 'Jos'

    Precedence Rules

    An OCL line comment begins with two hyphens. All text from the hyphens to the end of the line is considered to be a comment. Comments longer than one line may be enclosed between /* and */.

    -- the expression 20 * 5 + 4 should be evaluated here
    20 * 5 + 4 -- this is a comment
    /* this is a very long comment that does not enlighten the reader one bit about what the expression is really about */
    20 * -- this is a comment 5 + 4 (invalid OCL expression)

    2007年7月11日 星期三

    The Context of OCL Expression

    The link between an entity in a UML diagram and an OCL expression is called the context definition of that OCL expression.

    The Context of OCL Expression
    The context definition specifies the model entity for which the OCL expression is defined. It is always a specific element defined in a UML diagram, e.g. a class, interface, datatype, or component. This element is called the context of the expression.

    context Customer
    inv: name = 'Edward'

    The self Keyword

    The keyword self is used to refer explicitly to the contextual instance. Whenever the reference to the contextual instance is obvious, the use of the keyword self is optional.

    context Customer
    inv: self.name = 'Edward'

    More Than One Expression to a Context

    The following two examples have exactly the same meaning:

    context Customer
    inv: self.name = 'Edward'
    inv: self.title = 'Mr.'

    context Customer
    inv: self.name = 'Edward' and self.title = 'Mr.'

    The following two sets of pre- and postconditions have the same meaning as well:

    context LoyaltyProgram::addService( p:ProgramPartner,
    pre: partners->includes(p)
    pre: levels->includes(l)
    post: partners.deliveredServices->includes(s)
    post: levels.availableServices->includes(s)

    context LoyaltyProgram::addService(p:ProgramPartner, l:ServiceLevel, s:Service)
    pre: partners->includes() and levels->includes(l)
    post: partners.deliveredServices->includes(s) and levels.availableServices->includes(s)

    Classes and Other Types


    The first way in which an expression with a type as context can be used is as an invariant. An invariant is described using a boolean expression that evaluates to true if the invariant is met. To indicate that the expression is intended to be an invariant, the context declaration is followed by the keyword inv, an optional name, and a colon, as shown in the following example:

    context Customer
    inv myInvariant23: self.name = 'Edward‘

    An invariant may be named, which can be useful for reference in an accompanying text

    Definitions of Attributes or Operations

    Every instance of the contextual type holds an attribute or operation that conforms to the given definition. To indicate that the expression is intended to be a definition, the context declaration is followed by the keyword def and a colon, as shown in the following examples. In the case of an attribute definition, the name and type of the attribute must be given. The expression following the equal sign is also mandatory. This expression indicates how the value of the attribute must be calculated.

    context Customer
    def: initial : String = name.substring(1,1)

    All operations defined by an OCL expression are considered to be query operations. The name, parameters (including their types), and the return type (if any) of the operation must be given. The expression following the equal sign is also mandatory, and states the result of the operation
    context CustomerCard
    def: getTotalPoints(d: Date): Integer = transactions-> select(date.isAfter(d)).points->sum()

    Attributes and Association Ends

    Derivation Rules

    An expression whose context is an attribute or association role may be used as a derivation rule. If the context is an attribute, the contextual type is the type that holds the attribute. If the context is an association end, the contextual type is the type at the opposite end of the association.

    context LoyaltyAccount::totalPointsEarned : Integer
    derive: transactions->select(oclIsTypeOf(Earning)).points->sum()

    context CustomerCard::myLevel:ServiceLevel
    derive: Membership.currentLevel

    Initial Values

    An initial value is the value that the attribute or association end will have at the moment that the contextual instance is created. The context declaration is followed by the keyword init, the name of the attribute, and the expression that gives the initial value, as shown in the following two examples:

    context CustomerCard::transactions : Set(Transaction)
    init: Set{}

    context CustomerCard::valid:Boolean
    init: true

    The difference between an initial value and a derivation rule. A derivation rule states an invariant: The derived element should always have the same value that the rule expresses. An initial value must hold only at the moment when the contextual instance is created. After that moment, the attribute may have a different value at any point in time.


    Preconditions and Postconditions

    The first two ways in which expressions may be used for operations are pre- and postconditions: two forms of constraints. A precondition is a boolean expression that must be true at the moment when the operation starts its execution. A postcondition is a boolean expression that must be true at the moment when the operation ends its execution. A precondition specifies that the expression must evaluate to true; otherwise, the operation will not be executed.

    context Type1::operation(arg: Type2): ReturnType
    pre : -- some expression using the param arg and features of the
    pre : -- contextual type
    post: -- some expression using the param arg, features of the
    post: -- contextual type, the @pre keyword, and messaging
    post: -- expressions

    Body of Query Operations

    The context is indicated in the same manner as for pre- and postconditions. Instead of the keywords pre or post, the keyword body is used, followed by the body expression:

    context CustomerCard::getTransactions (from: Date, until: Date): Set(Transaction)
    body: transactions->select(date.isAfter(from) and date.isBefore(until))